A touch of sun for the Miss Princess Party

Preparations for the Miss Princess party continue, after much searching a dress has been selected, from Little Mistress. A gorgeous pink dress just perfect for a Princess. Yet something is lacking even after a summer avoiding the hot sun. Yes, my white skin is not so evenly white, bits are a touch red others slightly brown. If you look closely you’ll see what I mean in the photograph. Of course the transformation was performed by the star JJ from crossdressing-service.com.nig1aaab_1024

What I need is a more even tan. But not the real thing, everyone knows too much sun damages the skin. Obviously I need a fake tan, something out of a bottle. I didn’t fancy the thought of a bronzer as the dye can transfer to anything and the moisturiser can leave a sticky feeling to the skin. On top of this you have the problem of the exact shade the dyes will show on your skin, the “orange” tan fear! Must be a self-tanning agent then. These contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA) which reacts with dead skin cells to give melanoidins with a natural yellow to brown. Despite what is said, all self tanning agents will give the same colour since it is the reaction product in the skin. Though I suppose what this looks like will depend on your skin. Nevertheless this would be the same regardless of which product you use. Rather than go to a salon I opted to use an in-shower self-tanner. These only need a few minutes on wet skin to give a light tan. You can then apply the lotion every day for a few days with your daily shower to build-up the colour. This is great for a beginner who doesn’t quite trust the colour given by the classic leave on for 6 to 12 hours self-tanner. My experience was I had to leave the in-shower lotion on for about twice as long as the instructions suggested before showering it off, though less than 10 minutes. This was true of both the Rimmel and St Tropez products I used.

Still, both gave a sufficiently deep tan to hide the blemishes in my skin colour which must count as a success, even JJ had to admit that though she thought me a chicken for not using a salon. Most likely the time required is a highly individual affair as it will depend on how readily the DHA is absorbed into the wet skin and how “wet” the skin becomes in the shower. Obviously if your skin does not absorb the DHA readily your skin will not tan. Probably the classic type of self tanner would work better, especially for a deep tan, since absorption can take place over a longer period. Maybe I’ll try this next or even go to a salon and have myself sprayed.


Yours truly won!!!!!!! Miss Princess 2018

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